OEMS - EMS Licensure/Certification/Exams

The Department of Public Health is aware of “phishing” telephone calls and emails making their way through Connecticut, targeting license holders with the State of Connecticut. The phone calls and emails appear to be from the state (though they are not). The phone calls appear to be from (860) 509-7603 and indicate there is an issue with a license. The email asks credential holders to follow a link to a web page that looks like the state’s eLicense system. There they are asked to validate their license by entering personal information, such as name, address, social security number and date of birth.
Please note that in the event the Department is taking any action against a license, the licensee will be contacted by letter sent via US Mail.  The Department would never contact you over the telephone and ask you to provide any personal identifying information such as SSN.

To protect your personal information, please do not provide any information without ensuring that you are at the legitimate site, which is https://elicense.ct.gov/ and requires a login to update personal information.

Answers to most licensing and examination questions can be found on this page.  If you are unable to find an answer to your EMS licensing, certification or examination question, please email OEMS Licensing or call the Licensing Department at (860) 509-7528 for assistance.


2024 Certified EMS Provider Recertification Requirements

Verification of CEU's Instruction Form

  • EMT / EMR Certification Practical Exam Schedule (Dec 2024)
  • T4 (Course Completion) Form Upload Directions
  • Instructions on how to apply and register for the NREMT exam

    Certified EMS Providers - EMR, EMT, AEMT and EMSI

    Please choose one of the links below for specific certification requirements:

    FEES for certifications:
    Initial by examination $00.00
    Based on an out-of-state license $00.00
    Renewal/Relicensure $00.00
    Reinstatement $00.00

    Licensed EMS Providers - Paramedics

    Please choose one of the links below for specific licensing requirements:

    Paramedic License by Examination

    Paramedic License by Endorsement of Out-of-State License

    Paramedic Reinstatement of a Lapsed License

    Paramedic Forms:

    Verification of Paramedic License Form

    Verification of Paramedic Training Program

    FEES for Licensure:

    Initial by examination $150.00
    Based on an out-of-state license $150.00
    Renewal/Relicensure $155.00
    Reinstatement $150.00





    An important note about application processing time:  
    Processing time for EMS Provider applications is 4-6 weeks.  This 4-6 week processing time begins when OEMS has received all the documentation necessary for processing. 


    To check the status of your application, visit the e-license website or send an email to dph.emslicensing@ct.gov.

     link to eLicense to look up a license       click to link to eLicense to generate a roster

    Verification of a license, certification or temporary permit can be found on the State of Connecticut's e-License website.  Various rosters of EMS providers and organizations can also be generated and downloaded. Should you wish to have a Connecticut certification/license verified by this office, please email a request with the out of state form to dph.emslicensing@ct.gov.  Once completed the verification will be emailed/mailed directly to the state/agency in question.

    Directions on how to generate a roster of currently Licensed or Certified EMS organizations or providers can be found here.

    Please Note: Adobe Acrobat Reader is needed in order to view and print the Portable Document Format (pdf) files.